Earth Hour Poster Design
Earth Hour is a worldwide movement organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). For my introductory graphic design course, I was tasked to create a poster using photoshop.

Project Overview
Earth Hour is a worldwide movement organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The event is held annually encouraging individuals, communities, and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights, for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on a specific day towards the end of March, as a symbol of commitment to the planet. For my introductory graphic design course, I was tasked to create a poster using photoshop. I chose to design a poster for earth day to show people the sustainability idea and importance of environmental care.
Project Role
Graphic Designer
Tools & Duration
Adobe Photoshop
Oct - Nov, 2018
My design process include six steps : Preparation, Outline content, Draft, Design, Revise, and Publish. Each steps include different task.

The first step is preparation, this step included brainstorming the idea and determining the size of the poster. The professor required the design to be both a digital poster and a printed poster. Because I decided for my poster to be a vertical size, I chose to use a 1650 pixels x 2100 pixels ratio for my digital poster. The print size that I chose is 11 X 17 inches.
I did some research about Earth Hours events, and after the research, I had some inspiration to use a light bulb combined with an earth picture to be included in the poster. My goal is clearly defining the topic of this event, and create a call for people to help save the earth’s energy.
I began sketching some ideas and made a draft before I moved to photoshop.

After sketching some ideas, I understood what my goals were and began using photoshop to create an initial design.

We held a critique session in class to gain positive feedback on our ideas. I reflected on advice from my classmates and professor in order to make some changes for the better. First, I changed the font size, and added more details to the poster, such as a galaxy background, and along the process I changed the light bulb by creating a more realistic rendering and added the bottom feature.